Research and Genealogy



Ongoing research into the history of Czech settlers in the Midwest States is one of our key activities.


Through this, we try to make a complete as possible picture of what happened when emigrating, from the start in the Old Country to immigration and to raising the new first-generation Americans on the homestead.

  • Asking for a copy of a birth record is often the first recognizable time point where the emigration started.
  • The travel to point of departure is almost impossible to trace, with luck some references in an old letter may give a clue.
  • Crossing the ocean is becoming easier to investigate thanks to passenger lists.
  • Entering the USA (or Canada) can be traced through immigration and naturalization papers.
  • The first months or years after arrival to the moment of final settlement can sometimes be found back in letters and diaries of individual families, through land records, immigrant obituaries etc.

The results of this research will be shown on these webpages, and also as separate stories and articles in our twice-yearly magazine "Czech Friends" (subscribe here).


In the future, some of the research will also be made publicly available as online database on settlers and immigrants.






Register of Briths

The top half of a Register of Birth with records from August 1886. The top row has headers specifying which data should be filled. From left to right first comes the date, then the name of baptizing priest, name of baptized child. The next seven small columns are catholic, non-catholic, male, female, legitimate, illegitimate, and still-born. Then come place of birth, midwife, father, mother, godparents. Sometimes there was another column for remarks, if not, the priest just filled the remarks were was room left.


Staff and associates of the corporation are also working as private genealogy researchers, doing research for individual families. If you are interested in having your family research done, check out the Czech Ancestry genealogy pages



The genealogical research is done by Olga Cerna, Robert Dulfer, and their associates. Although we work also for, and are closely linked to both the Friends of the Rozmberk Society Inc, USA, and the Rozmberk Society, Czech Republic, the genealogical research is done strictly on a private title and the companies are not responsible for the research.




Design by the Bear (Robert Dulfer 2006-2016)